Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Stuff... Tehe

I thought it about time to buy some stamps. I really want to try and make cards that look like a kid didn't do them; ya know, sort of like the birthday cards I made a posted previously. :P Sooo I've invested in some cheap foam stamps. I don't know, I'm assuming that black paint will work for them (?). I am pretty clueless. I work at Michael's frame shop part time at the moment and spent an hour just looking at a paper card craft book. That's some quality work getting done right there. Anywho, from this I found inspiration and made a list of things to get - one of which included stamps - and thus I bought them (with my employee discount of course mwahahaha).

I'll be the first to admit that this paper will probably not be used. lol I have a stockpile of such things. I'm a stickler for pretty paper. Gah!! I need to find the confidence in myself to just cut it up and glue it to something! I like how I'm afraid of the pretty paper... or is it just a deep-felt respect? Hmm... it did only cost me $0.25 for each sheet. I'm curious as to how much crafty stuff professionals waste... All you worldly crafters: get back to me about this one.

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