Friday, October 24, 2008

Pretty as a Peacock

I'm not much of a drawer but more of a doodler if you will. This was drawn in pencil and of course since my camera turns everything into a blinding white blur if the flash is on I had to stick with this aged newspaper look. Even though the paper is pure white and it was drawn in a number 2 pencil :P Ah well... I kind of like the look. But you get the gist of it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It's been a while

Ack! It's already been half a month and I haven't posted anything new and craftilicious. I do have an excuse though... I've been wallowing in self pity over a really bad batch of cold sores. :P It was my first time ever getting them so they were naaasty. But on the bright side I couldn't bite my nails for two weeks so now I'm back in the habit of not biting them... we'll see how long this lasts.

In the mean while I'll try to think of something crafty to do in the next few days. Ta!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Vintage Girl Purple Party Invite

{ front }

{ back }

A lovely little party invite for any occasion. I found the picture of the little vintage girl from a sewing sampler from a seller on Wagglepop. (Never heard of this site before but essentially it's kin to ebay). And of course I used my ever-loved paintbrush for the flower and thought purple would be a nice color for this card. It's very rare that I use purple... just one of those colors (maybe the only color really) that I never think to use. But it's scrumdiliumptious. That's right, I said it. :P

Monday, September 29, 2008

Blue Thank You Postcard

{ front }

{ back }

I thought this would be a fun thank you note to give to someone. I just absolutely love these paintshop paint brushes I found! I'm pretty sure I mentioned this in a previous post but I just get so excited about silly things like pixel brushes :P

I'm off to bed so I can wake up perky and fresh for a day of... nothing! Tehe :D I don't have work tomorrow so the plan is to just take it easy and mess around with some more cards. Til then; ta!

Butterfly To and From

Mmm butterflys. Butterflies. Ah yes that looks right. :P All I'm sayin' is that butterflies are pretty and everything but they've got ugly faces. And hairy legs. But pretty none-the-less.

Let's see... I know this is my part-time craft blog but it just needs to be mentioned that I got the job I want today! Starting next week I will be a chemical technician. Fancy fancy science stuff. I've been graduated for over a month now so I figured it about time to apply this four-year science degree to something. Yes yes :)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

October Calendar

This is the simple print-out calendar I have made for the month of October. It's 4 x 7 inches and the plan is to glue it to a pretty piece of kaleidoscope pink floral scrapbook paper. And then hang it on my wall :)

As for other updates... I'm really tired from all the weekend excursions so I may have to take a nap first but then I would like to experiment with the stamps I bought last week and see if I can make a nice card using them.

I gave my mom the birthday card I made for her and she really thought it was sweet. :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Stripey Bright Tags

Maybe I just haven't learned how to correctly save files or work with color palettes but for some reason when I save my work as .jpg or .jpeg the quality of my paint shop stuff plummets. The images get blurrier and the colors are a bit skewed. Hmmm :-/ What to do, what to do. Either way, here are some more fun bright tags! I'm going to try and figure this pickle out.

But not right now because I am off to visit the boyfriend until Saturday and then go to a birthday dinner for me mums and then perhaps a bonfire with some friends. So basically no updates until Sunday. Ta!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fun Present Tags

Here are some present tags I whipped up this evening. These are some crafty items that just don't get enough attention. Don't you just love the extra touch they give to a present? Me too :)

I just looove the paint brush options for paint shop pro! I'm particularly diggin' this tag. I do believe I've found something I am semi good at, eh? ^_^

A lovely blue floral tag collection. Very versatile in that they are not limited to present tags. You could perhaps use them to label folders are storage boxes for elegant organization. I think I would suggest printing these on card stock or even on adhesive paper for easy sticking :)

New Stuff... Tehe

I thought it about time to buy some stamps. I really want to try and make cards that look like a kid didn't do them; ya know, sort of like the birthday cards I made a posted previously. :P Sooo I've invested in some cheap foam stamps. I don't know, I'm assuming that black paint will work for them (?). I am pretty clueless. I work at Michael's frame shop part time at the moment and spent an hour just looking at a paper card craft book. That's some quality work getting done right there. Anywho, from this I found inspiration and made a list of things to get - one of which included stamps - and thus I bought them (with my employee discount of course mwahahaha).

I'll be the first to admit that this paper will probably not be used. lol I have a stockpile of such things. I'm a stickler for pretty paper. Gah!! I need to find the confidence in myself to just cut it up and glue it to something! I like how I'm afraid of the pretty paper... or is it just a deep-felt respect? Hmm... it did only cost me $0.25 for each sheet. I'm curious as to how much crafty stuff professionals waste... All you worldly crafters: get back to me about this one.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Lovely Postcard

I just absolutely love vintage postcards and victorian ladies. So I have combined the two and voila!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Bright Post Card

I had another post card but it won't load... hmmm o_O

Birthday Cards

I wanted to hand-make a birthday card for my mom this year. It's her 49th year here so I wanted to make the last year of her 40s a little extra special. These are three designs that I made today. I ended up choosing the one on the top for her since it was large enough on the inside to write a nice message for her. The middle card is still a little plain for my taste so I need to decide on what to do to add some pizzazz. And the bottom card... I like it but it just didn't have the room to write a birthday note.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Journal of Poems

So I've decided with at least one of my myriad of journals to just write all my favorite poems in it. The very first poem is Alfred Noye's The Lady of Shalott. It's just so beautiful and bittersweet.

I was thinking that for another journal of mine I may just write down my thoughts. I've got some pretty unique ones and it's always fun to look back at them months later and just laugh at myself.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mmmm Journals and Clutter

I have this weird - or not so weird? - obsession with journals. I have more than I should probably admit to and am ashamed to say that most of them have absolutely no writing in them o_O

This would just be a picture of the clutter on my dresser. Another obsession would be earrings. And classy costume jewelry. Yum :)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Computer Problems

Unfortunately my computer somehow got a really bad virus so it is currently out of commission. F.y.i. don't trust the program Antivirus XP 2008. It is a fake antivirus program and literally ate my hard drive for breakfast.

So now I'm stuck using an old school computer with Windows 98 and a resolution of 800x600 because it won't let me go any higher :P And it can't handle me downloading anything so basically no pictures of my new crafts for the next week.

I honestly really haven't had time to do much with my crafting in the past few days anyway since I've been busy with figuring out how to deal with the computer virus and I've been applying for jobs. Ooo the real world O_o

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wish You Were Here Card

This is a card I made this evening. I just used watercolor paper, punched holes around the edge, threaded double stranded charcoal yarn through, and slapped a scrapbook paper decoration on the front. The inside has a simple black piece of paper to write on... except you would need a colored gel pen to do so... or you could post a picture there and write on the opposite white side. I'll probably end up sending this to a good friend of mine in Chicago.

The front of the card with a lovely sewn border.

And the inside with a black decorative edge page.

Bird and Vine Embroider

I saw this pattern from Gennine.

Since I'm new to this embroidery thing I couldn't figure out how to get the pattern onto the piece of cloth. I tried carbon paper but that failed so I just ended up drawing it on freehand. It didn't turn out too bad and the ink leaked through to the other side so I followed the pattern on that side :) It worked out swell.

And this would be the end result. I ended up sort of modifying my original idea by giving it a smaller stomach and actually adding color to the bird. I was originally planning on making the bird completely outlined in dark slate blue but I think this turned out nicely :)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Patterened Apple

Alright one last post for the night. I think :P I just did this tonight and thought it was a lot of fun. I think I may do this for more fruits. I also printed out a pattern of a pretty bird (of course) to embroider but don't really know what to embroider it on... Hmm. Maybe tomorrow I'll have an update.

Personalized Cards

These are a few cards that I have made. You can personalize them by writing little notes in the spaces provided or just write on the back of them as if they were postcards.

First Craft

I guess where else to start but to post an initial craft of mine eh? :) These are actually a few very different ones just to show that I am all over the place. It's insane but keeps me sane.

Well this would be a bookmark I made. I like the old fashioned look. Very vintage if you will.

This is a simple embroidered cupcake I did last night on an old I heart NY t-shirt. Embroidery is new to me (obviously...) But it's just so relaxing and there are just sooo many sources out there to get inspiration from.

This is one month of the calendar that I am in progress of making. It's simple and cute. I had October done but had the days in the wrong place o_O